What We Offer

Entering the world of laser micromachining can be a daunting task, given the numerous choices in lasers, optical setups, positioning and beam scanning systems, not to mention the intricacies of process development itself.

We are here to assist you. With a strong research background, including a PhD in laser microfabrication, coupled with hands-on experience in developing custom laser micromachining and inspection systems for the semiconductor, hard disk, and medtech industries, we are well-prepared to guide you towards the optimal solution tailored to your specific application.

We understand that each customer has unique requirements. To cater to this variety, we offer a range of solutions including stand-alone custom laser micromachining systems, OEM modules designed for integration into industrial systems and contract manufacturing services.

Custom systems

We offer dedicated laser micromachining systems designed and built to suit your requirements. Various options from flexible R&D equipment to high-throughput production systems with automated sample loading / unloading are available. We also offer OEM units for integration into existing industrial production equipment. Additionally, we design and build various subsystems required for complex micromachining systems including optical inspection solutions, custom illumination, beam delivery systems and more. Close working relations with best in class equipment manufacturers helps us to offer best solutions for our customers.

Production Services

We offer production services starting from small scale production to full scale high-throughput fabrication. Small scale production is a great opportunity to validate laser micromachining in a production environment at lower investment cost.

Process Development

We offer proof of concept trials, feasibility studies and full process development to provide optimal laser micromachining solutions for your applications.